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Core Performance Testing Principle:



Based on the test results, new information and the availability of features and components, reprioritize, add to or delete tasks and resume testing. Once the success criteria, strategies, and/or tasks are updated and prioritized, it is time to jump back in where you left off.

Communicate and Collaborate

Some teams conduct periodic “performance only” stand-ups when performance testing related coordination, reporting, or analysis are too time consuming to be handled in the existing update structure. Whether during a special “performance only” session or during the existing session, the team collectively makes most of the major adjustments to priorities, strategies, tasks, and success criteria. Ensure that enough time is allocated frequently enough for the team to make good performance-related decisions, while changes are still easy to make. 

The key to successfully implementing performance testing is continual communication among team members. It is a good idea not only to communicate tasks and strategies with all team members, checking back with one another frequently, but also to plan time into testing schedules to review and update tasks and priorities.

The methods you use to communicate plans, strategies, priorities, and changes are completely irrelevant as long as you are able to adapt to changes without requiring significant re-work, and as long as the team continues to progress toward achieving the current performance testing success criteria.

Learn more through PerfTestPlus Training

This topic is covered in the following PTP training courses:

Content adapted from:

Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications


by: J.D. Meier, Scott Barber, Carlos Farre, Prashant Bansode, and Dennis Rea
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Site Design by: Scott Barber